Tiling to pitched roof or plasterboard?

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Tiling to pitched roof or plasterboard?

Post by tempster »

Hi All,

Im in a dilema on what to do as part of fitting out my wet room.

So far used tilebacker boards on floor and up to vertical wall heights (need to tape still), but now i need to think about pitched roof area.
part of this (as you can see from the pictures) will get wet from the shower, so do i carry on using tilebacker boards all the way up and tile or maybe use green plasterboard (wet proof) and paint with a water proof paint white. or any other ideas if you can suggest?

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Tiling to pitched roof or plasterboard?

Post by ahfix »

tempster wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:05 pm o far used tilebacker boards on floor and up to vertical wall heights (need to tape still), but now i need to think about pitched roof area.
part of this (as you can see from the pictures) will get wet from the shower, so do i carry on using tilebacker boards all the way up and tile or maybe use green plasterboard (wet proof) and paint with a water proof paint white. or any other ideas if you can suggest?
You're going to be working against gravity so making tiles stick and stay put is going to be tough.

How about a sheet material such as wet wall? Some are uPVC others are ply backed and come in tile patterns.

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Tiling to pitched roof or plasterboard?

Post by wes56 »

Its easy enough to comb the wall or ceiling and butter the back of the tile with adhesive, and then stick the tile up in place above.
Overhead tiling was a common practice but nowadays in domestics there's no need even in wet rooms.
Tile up to about seven feet high and then paint with old fashioned oil paint.

Green plasterboard is as useless as any other plasterboards for tiling on - dont use it or them.
Use render or backer boards for tiling on.
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