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How can these antique metal handles be mended?
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 3:27 pm
I bought these metal handles on ebay for a cupboard I've been restoring. They were sold as iron but they're not magnetic. I cleaned one a bit and the dangle appears to be brass but I'm not sure about the red bean-shaped bit at the top. My issue is, the loop on all 3 is cracked. Someone suggested using Milliput to fix this. Do you think that's a good idea? Would it hold? (I intend to paint the handles). Secondly, the screw thread, though in great condition, is a measely 13mm & my cupboard is 28mm thick, so a new thread would need to be nearer 35mm. How could a new thread be attached? Many thanks
How can these antique metal handles be mended?
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 4:15 pm
by dewaltdisney
It looks like all cast brass that has the basket and bead hand painted. Any repair will show though and the metal epoxy paste will work if you can colour it to blend. Brazing would be best but you need to keep cost in perspective.
How can these antique metal handles be mended?
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 5:13 pm
Any ideas on how to get a longer screw thread or get it to fit a 28mm thick cupboard door?
How can these antique metal handles be mended?
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:49 pm
by banjerbill
What thread is it? You could try a thread insert in the door but is it worth the hassle?
Probably better sourcing new handles.
How can these antique metal handles be mended?
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 9:56 pm
I'm not about giving up, I'm about finding creative solutions to make things work banjerbill. A thread insert in the door sounds like a brilliant idea! Thanks for that.
How can these antique metal handles be mended?
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:50 pm
by dewaltdisney
You get a bit of threaded bar and weld a length on, to give you the length and a metric thread for the nut. The weld does not have to be pretty.
How can these antique metal handles be mended?
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 7:59 am
by dewaltdisney
Also, on reflection, the additional threaded bar will need to be a narrower section than the exisiting as there appears to be no shoulder on the through piece. The swing link loops would need to have been brazed at some point for assembly and that is where they have parted through constant wear in use.
How can these antique metal handles be mended?
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 8:32 pm
by Grumps
Personally, I'd never look at 'heat' to deal with that sort of metal. I think it would just collaspe.
For the repair, consider, RS Stock No.:
Rocol METAL REPAIR Compound Epoxy Putty
I've got some, but haven't yet used it. The Instruction Sheet is worth reading.
As regards the thread, as mentioned, it doesn't have a shoulder. It looks to me like 1/4" Whitworth. Perhaps possibly 5/16". ... wstd_1.htm
One way would be to counter-bore the material and add a nut. However, not really viable without a limiting shoulder,
Another way would be to epoxy into the material an Imperial Helicoil [of the appropriate thread]. Helicoils are typically supplied as X1. Meaning that the length is equal to the diameter. 1.5 and 2 are available but have to be specified.
Typical suppliers are Cromwell Tools or I use NES
Having epoxied in the Helicoil you'd then need an appropriate [Threading] Tap to remove any excess.
Attractive as the handles may seem, is it worth the cost/hassle and for how long would they remain useable?