Through a succession of poor decisions yesterday I ended up with a pig of a job today. As reported in the duff batteries thread I was laurel cutting yesterday. When I checked my chipper prior to rolling it out I saw the petrol tank was empty. I then realised my petrol can was empty too and as I could not be bothered to go to the garage for fuel I decided to use my mower to reduce the green waste to manageable volumes. Now this will work if you trim out the thicker wood and just leave the thinner stuff that is still soft. Of course, I missed a branch and I heard a clatter and the mower stalls. After removing the offending stick I find it has acted like a derailleur and the dive belt has come off. The mower still worked but I had no self propulsion.
Today I decided to refit the belt, far from easy and a lot of faff. First off I drained the engine oil and fuel with a syringe-type gadget I have to suck it out. I could then turn the mower on its side to work on it. The first job was to remove the blade and this took me ages. To avoid this I wasted time trying to refit the belt without taking the blade off but this was hopeless. I eventually did it by wedging the blade and using a club hammer on the wrench to undo the nut, it was a pig. Once that was off it was relatively easy to refit the belt and get it all back together, in all about two hours. It works again now.
If I had not been lazy and gone to get the petrol I would have avoided all this. Grrrrrr...