What type of cable is this?

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What type of cable is this?

Post by jimllshiftit »

After last weekends high winds i see that the anchor for this cable has pulled out of the wall. I guess I can simply put it back in to where it was and repoint it but actually I want to move this cable anyway as its in the way of the roof of a building I want to start putting up soon.

Could someone here identify what cable it is, please? Ive always assumed its telephone but I dont want to make any assumptions. Also, who can I ask to move it about 6 meters along the wall from where it is now?

Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you.

where it comes out of the house
where it comes out of the house
DSC01977.JPG (214.51 KiB) Viewed 367 times
close up of where it comes out of the house
close up of where it comes out of the house
DSC01978.JPG (203.24 KiB) Viewed 367 times
markings on the post the cable goes to
markings on the post the cable goes to
DSC01979.JPG (218.02 KiB) Viewed 367 times
the top of the post that the cable goes to
the top of the post that the cable goes to
DSC01981.JPG (203.06 KiB) Viewed 367 times
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What type of cable is this?

Post by dewaltdisney »

I think it might be overhead power cables, which are common in rural areas. If this is the case, the National Grid people have to deal with it. Moving the position might be tricky, and they charge a fortune for alterations. Offer the guys a good drink to do it; it will be far cheaper than an official reposition. It depends on how easy it would beto do.

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What type of cable is this?

Post by jimllshiftit »

Thats exactly why i didnt want to make any assumptions about what type of cable it was, although I thought it was a bit too low gauge for electric cable particularly as its going off to another property.

Thankfully the Nationalgrid offices are just down the road from me and I can think of a couple of people who might be able to move it for me. Ill make some enquiries. Cheers.
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What type of cable is this?

Post by Bob225 »

Leave well alone it's either national grid or your DNO you need to contact
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What type of cable is this?

Post by Neelix »

Do NOT touch that. Report it and it’ll be fixed for nothing
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