a right cats arsh

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a right cats arsh

Post by ArnieT1 »

see my ms word 'insert shapes' drawing attached.
yep...I just don't want to show a real photo of the obvious problem I got now with my composite rear external door!
Hope my 'drawing' and your visualisation, and your diy or trade skills will help me around this dilemma.

3 years ago i had two cats....thinking I'd be keeping them and at the time having not been long seperated and thinking I'd settle here.....I thought it'd be a really stupid idea to cut a hole through my nice new composite door for a cat flap. Stupidly I had to cut through the bottom corners of the bottom mouldings. Stupidly I might be moving in a month or two to try and settle elsewhere. Stupidly I don't have any money to replace the door which is a stupid price.

I'm stupid.....can anyone give me some really useful practical advice on how I could repair this to look pretty good without much cost?
stoopid catflap ruined my door moulding. stoopid me
stoopid catflap ruined my door moulding. stoopid me
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Re: a right cats arsh

Post by Rossthedon »

Mmmmm, not that much you can do really.
Would have been okay if you had cut the cat flap into one of the panels!

Anyway, if it is just a cheap, easy job you want to do for selling up/moving then i would just put a upvc infill in, white silicone it and replace moulding.
If you cant find the same moulding then just use wood and gloss!

I know this is what a cowboy would do! BUT, if you cant afford to replace the door......needs must!

OR, cant you find a cheaper door? Try visiting someone like the door replacement company (dont know if its just a Scottish mob) they will give you a door, just make sure you have the right sizes and note which way the door opens........seen as your stupid lol (you said it, not me!) :hello2:
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Re: a right cats arsh

Post by ayjay »

Just leave the cat flap in, it'll almost certainly look better than any repair.
One day it will all be firewood.
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Re: a right cats arsh

Post by nick200 »

I am tempted to agree with Ayjay. I have seen one where the cat flap was removed and yes it was warmer but it was just painted wood on either side with nuts and bolts through it.

If someone helps then thank the helper and also check out UHM's Nominated charity - http://www.donnasdreamhouse.co.uk/
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Re: a right cats arsh

Post by kellys_eye »

Promote it as 'a feature'......
Don't take it personally......
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Re: a right cats arsh

Post by BillyGoat »

For when you are blind drunk and can't find your keys.....might need to take another panel out for me though!!! :lol:
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Re: a right cats arsh

Post by ArnieT1 »

Oh dear. Not looking or sounding too good is it lol. Thanks rosthedon (andothers for their quips lol).
I guess there is another 'fiddly' solution maybe?

Fibreglass repair kit from Halfords maybe?
I guess I could possibly make a 'mould' from the top sections of the lower door mouldings, then shape the fibreglass to fit?

At least I've already squirted some expanding foam which is flush on both sides...providing some insulation lol
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Re: a right cats arsh

Post by nick200 »

I suppose my only question would be to make sure that it is safe and secure.

I am not a professional but if you were to make the internals strong and insulated then maybe a fibre glasss mould from a panel sounds like it might work? How about sunlight on it, would it deteriate the fibre glass?

If someone helps then thank the helper and also check out UHM's Nominated charity - http://www.donnasdreamhouse.co.uk/

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