Which? Pressure Selling

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Which? Pressure Selling

Post by northwales4u »

Just saw an advert on TV for a free Which? Retirement Guide. My neighbour is retiring in June so I thought I would phone up for one just to help him out. Wish I had never bothered! After giving my details the kind lady on the other end of the phone turned into a blood hound trying to get me subscribe to their monthly magazine. In the end I just hung up.

I thought they were meant to be there to stop consumers getting ripped off but it seems they are just on the hard sell of something people don't want
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Re: Which? Pressure Selling

Post by Wes »

Just spotted this loose thread from November without any input!!

I know what you're saying Mike! Everyone's on the hard sell. Can't give your name and number out without thinking where's this going to end up? On a hundred mailing list's probably. No sir, just tick the box. Yea right 'My grass is green but I ain't'. Every git company has a data base now a days. Anyone had any look with preferred mailing to control this?

As a little side note, I sent £12 off to a company claiming I'd won a prize etc about 15 years ago (I was as green as my grass back then :-) )
Anyway, after receiving my extremely small pebble in the post, you know, the one that was supposed to be a 50 inch tv or holiday to the sun, 15 years later I still get letters, well, my dear mother does. That's what preferred mailing did :thumbright:

I know I should sue but who does :dunno:
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Re: Which? Pressure Selling

Post by big-all »

if i have to give more than my postcode on any search or enquirey i terminate the call close the the window or search
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Re: Which? Pressure Selling

Post by Wes »

Don't blame you BA. Although, I was in Maplin the other day returning some xmas lights and the lad asked me for my name and address. I should have questioned if I was obliged to give that info really. I just gave it over and got my refund. Then walked out again thinking 'now where's that going to go?!'. I do remember asking them why in the past in other situations and all you get is 'it's just for our records' but really you're just going of someone's word which sadly doesn't seem to mean much in this day and age. Once your name and address has been put into the data base, whoever see's it next isn't going to care less what somebody told somebody else in a shop :dunno: and would I really go to the extent of back tracking to see where a credit card company sending fluff through the post got my information from? :?
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Re: Which? Pressure Selling

Post by Someone-Else »

Maplin will probably put you on their database and send you the monthly "newsletter"
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Re: Which? Pressure Selling

Post by Wes »

Without my permission!! That's the point. Plus will they pass on my details to anyone else and if so who's the wiser. I've asked cold callers in the past where they got my number from and they say 'there not allowed to say'...spout some data protection fluff, what about mine, yours, everyone's?
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Re: Which? Pressure Selling

Post by big-all »

i think virgin are the worst
register with mailing preferance and the postoffice service this stops random junk mail including virgin to my address
they change tactics to the occupier at bigallsville dawn suff
posting to the address with "please remove me from your mailing list" makes no difference
phoning gets you should join the mps :dunno:
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Re: Which? Pressure Selling

Post by northwales4u »

Just seen another advert for Which?, this time for the computer guide. It makes out tha its genuine people making the comments but I'm sure the first woman was the fit bird out of Duty Free
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