Tesco's naggy checkout people

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Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by northwales4u »

Popped to Tesco earlier, did my usual dash round the aisles and started queueing up at the till. Thats when the up her own ar5e woman who watches the self service tills came over and said "the till down there is available'. When I told her I am fine here, i.e. feck off. Then she comes over and says it would be far better if I went to the other till then started grabbing my shopping off the conveyor belt to put back in the trolley. I wonder how long after that took her to realise I'd buggered off
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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by wine~o »

:dunno: With or without the cleverly concealed bottles of wine????
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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by BillyGoat »

It's brilliant if you are shopping and they ask (like robots) if you need help with your bagging. Try saying yes......it REALLY throws them!!!!


I was asked "if I wanted a bag", when I clearly had a load of shopping. I said no, I'll be alright balancing it on my head.....then I asked if it was true they will replace any smashed items FOC before you get out the shop! She got me bags.....
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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by wine~o »

BillyGoat wrote:It's brilliant if you are shopping and they ask (like robots) if you need help with your bagging. Try saying yes......it REALLY throws them!!!!


I was asked "if I wanted a bag", when I clearly had a load of shopping. I said no, I'll be alright balancing it on my head.....then I asked if it was true they will replace any smashed items FOC before you get out the shop! She got me bags.....

Which reminds me..........

.......our local branch of Waitrose(Ringwood) offer a "carry to the car" service...

when you get a newbie on the till you ask them if they can get your shopping carried to the car..."of course ,Sir, where are you parked??

Verwood..... Only about 4 miles away.... :mrgreen:
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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by kellys_eye »

It's not fair to the shop workers as they are often only following company policy, the repercussions of NOT doing so can often mean the dole queue.

MANAGEMENT is more often the cause of pathetic service.

Mind you, I've walked out of a supermarket leaving TWO full trolleys of goods when they wanted me to pay for carrier bags. This was years ago before carriers were universally 'free' but I could see me doing it again if caught out.
Don't take it personally......
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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by northwales4u »

The Tesco's I go to is fairly new, they built it there because they is going to me tonnes of houses built in that area soon but as they havent been built yet the store is fairly quiet. I usually go there on a Weds afternoon because a lady down the road from me works there and usually floats around the self service tills and will scan and pack my bags for me (without charging me for the bags) but today she wasn’t there so I picked the till closest to the exit the free till the Tesco woman wanted me to go to was further back up the store so by the time I reloaded my trolley, went to the empty till (which, knowing my luck wouldnt be free), unload trolley again, scanned packed etc I would have probably been served at the original till
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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by kellys_eye »

We've only just recently had a delivery service (Tesco) starting in this area and, since we're 25 miles from the shop, paying the £3 delivery charge saves us a huge amount of time and expense (my car takes 2 gallons for he return journey!).

With internet shopping and Tesco delivery we could stay at home 100% if we wanted!
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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by scot-canuck »

The pickers depending on the store can suck majorly....I used to work for dotcom at one point...and the pickers were notorious for weird decisions - coke contour (glass bottles) out of stock, its the glass they want...I'll give them diet coke instead.... ::b ::b
Or lets stick eggs at the bottom of a box loaded with bottles and cans....eggs then came in 2 forms...mushed and scrambled
OR (how I've ended up with longterm intermittent backpain) lets stick 40 kg in a box and not mark it in anyway (at one point 3 of them were lifting boxes onto stacks...drivers work solo....boss ended up having to put a notice up telling them not to overload boxes) ::b ::b
ASDA are just as bad round here, though the ASDA at milton of craigie always has their self service tills set to an ear hurting volume...I'm a foot away, not 3 miles........
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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by joinerjohn »

I personally hate the self service tills at our local Asda's (or as they like to call them "The Fast Lane" )
Called in tonight with er' indoors. Happened to notice on Sunday that 20 cans of lager were on offer for £16, but,,, you could buy 2 cases of 12 cans for £8 each (exact same stuff and ml cans too) She decided to use the self service tills ( I knew it was a mistake) First item scanned through and the till screams "Authorisation required,, please wait for assistance..... WTF it was only the lemonade :shock: . Scanned the second item (the alcohol) "Authorisation required,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Lady assistant comes to the till and scans her card in, presses a few buttons and the till is happy. She scans the next item, 4 crusty cobs,,, (nice, the till likes these) Next item, a pack of Ham on the Bone,,, item scans in fine, but then the till's screaming again, Item weight, undetermined,,, Please wait for the poor weary assistant again.... Finally, eventually, everything is scanned in and the till has no complaints about us being suspected of underage purchasing, or under/overweight purchases etc. "How do you want to pay?" asks the till. I quickly tap the cash tab on the display,,,,, "Please insert notes in the note slot and coins in the coin slot." (well I never would have believed that) Stick a £20 note in the note slot, only for it to reverse back out of the slot at me. Turn it round the other way (sometimes wish the missus was so amenable :lol: :lol: ) Anyway,,,, eventually, my money is accepted by the till, we collect our meagre shopping list and head towards the exit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, But the till just has to have the last bloody word (like a kick in the proverbials) "Thankyou for using the Fast Lane." Yeah Right.
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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by northwales4u »

Generally, I try to avoid the self service tills unless my neighbour is working by them or if I am getting a couple of bits and the normal tills are full. I reckon I should get a discount if I am serving myself. On normal tills the supermarket has to pay someone to staff each till but with the self service tills they pay one employee to supervise 8 tills (therefore saving paying wages for 7 people) and so, because I am doing the work that an employee should be doing on a normal till I should be rewarded
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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by speed »

Thought this would be a horse joke looking at the title :lol:
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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by royaloakcarpentry »

I was in asda a couple of years back. Wife was ill (for a change) so went shopping on my own but accompanied by my low tolerance threshold. They need a specific time around my area which is an apartheid system. English only and NO children.

I had my stuff on the conveyor belt, packing and loading at the same time. I hadn't finished and so the 'next customer' strip had not been placed upon the conveyor belt by me. Looked up and this French African woman, with kids and husband had taken up all the room and was standing right up against me.

I politely said, in a raised voice.....''Do you want to get in my fecking pocket''. paired with a dirty look. The next stage in the proceedings was to form a conveyor belt clearing device with my arm. With one swoop I shoved all her shopping onto the floor.

cheeky cow said I needed to get some manners.

To which i promptly replied......feck off, we wait patiently in this country.

The till tart couldn't believe it. She gave me a sly smile and when I looked across to the other tills, everyone was piddling themselves laughing.

Cheeky cow.

I absolutely hate people like that. That is one of my fave sayings whilst queuing .......wanna get in my pocket. Or oi you pi55 taking c**t, the back of the queue is the other end.
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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by BillyGoat »


Same when people drive up your arse!!! Stop dead in the road, open your boot and shout "GET IN THE FOOKIN' BOOT THEN!!!"

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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by royaloakcarpentry »

Decorator on the office refurbs years ago stuck his fog lights on and the bloke behind him screeched to a halt.

He pulled into the petrol station to fill up and so did the bloke.

He had a massive black eye by the time he got into work pmsl.

I normally left foot brake whilst still having the gas on.
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Re: Tesco's naggy checkout people

Post by joinerjohn »

royaloakcarpentry wrote:
I absolutely hate people like that. That is one of my fave sayings whilst queuing .......wanna get in my pocket. Or oi you pi55 taking c**t, the back of the queue is the other end.
I remember my younger brother on holiday in Crete , when a German chap pushed in in front of him in a shop. My brother piped up at the top of his voice, "Oi Adolf,, the back of the fookin queue is behind me." " We didn't win the war so you could push in." :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I had to go out of the shop as I was close to peeing myself.

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