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Preperation required for tiling

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:20 pm
by re-dec
Hi all,

Hope you can help and advise me as it would be much appreciated.

I will be ripping out our bathroom shortly and the tiles have been stuck directly to the honeycombed plasterboard walls. in order to be prepared all ready for tiling please could anyone advise on the following.

bath/shower area - tile backing board to be used any particular thickness? Should I tank this area or is the backing board enough and will this effect the tile adhesive sticking to the board. board joints to be covered with jointing tape?

remaining walls- standard plasterboard to be used.

Thanks for finding the time to read please point out if I have missed anything and if this is correct spec prior to tiling.

Re: Preperation required for tiling

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:56 pm
by steviejoiner74
If your walls are honeycombed they are most likely to be paramount partitions and you'll need to be carefull you don't pull away the other side. They are generally only 60mm thick overall and are slid over a top and bottom runner during construction in wall sections and a 35mm stud is jammed in the honeycomb section every 1200.
Photos of the wall in question would help before advising on resheeting the wall.

Re: Preperation required for tiling

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:07 pm
by re-dec
Hi Steve,

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I wont be able to show any photo's as I am just researching at the moment and plan on doing this in the summer. I believe it to be honeycomb as the other walls in the house are although it is possible that it may not.

Re: Preperation required for tiling

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:48 pm
by kingnewport
Best using cement board although people like myself still yluse plaster board . You can tank it its up to you really

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Re: Preperation required for tiling

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:19 pm
by re-dec
Hi Kingnewport

What use cement board just round bath/shower area or for whole room? Also do you know if tanking the area will effect the tile adhesive sticking to it?


Re: Preperation required for tiling

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:13 am
by kingnewport
Yer just use around wet areas . No need all over.
No the tank is fine to tile onto. Just check the manufacturers warranty on it.

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