Wow, was it that long ago.....
Anyhoo... update time.
The pond project changed tack somewhat ("Oh noes" I hear you cry) and ended up being a 50th birthday prezzie for Mrs k_e (her suggestion).
We had a patch of ground that was headed towards being a rock garden - it was actually the place where we burned 90% of the original house during the rebuild process

so was pretty crappy and potentially toxic hence piling rocks on top of a groundsheet. We had placed a small (2m x 1m) pond in it just for the heck of it but whilst sat watching the fish we felt guilty at the meagreness of it so plans widened somewhat.
The patch of ground slopes some 1.2 metres top to bottom and extends about 6m x 4m in total size - has a cut down stump of an old beech tree at one end and is pretty irregular in size. Anyway I had to fit four posts to bring one sided of the pond up to the top level and used treated logs (10-inches diameter) set 1m into postcrete.
Across the posts I bolted 10x2 boards and also built up the sloping edges in a similar fashion using the beech tree as a pivot point. This eventually gave us a 'pond of weird shape but the finished look is quite appealing. We then dug out the lowest parts to a depth that when filled with water gave a deep section of at least 1m across the longest wall, sloping up (with a central deeper pit) to the shallow end that is only 6" deep.
The idea was to give us water cover that could support many different forms of fish and amphibians. After fitting the appropriate liner we took four days to fill it!!! The top edge of the pond was covered with some old boards left from dismantling old decking. Looks a bit tatty but when funds allow we'll be changing this for something a bit more in keeping with the layout.
We now have dozens of fry from three of four of the fish species we bought, toads, newts, snails, sticklebacks and assorted breeds of fish (standard goldfish, ghost carp, shebunkin(?), orf, golden tench, serisa comet (?) - can't guarantee the spelling

The cat (one of them) had one of the biggest fish - an 8-inch comet

before we taught them that they were 'pets' and not 'food'. Another of the cats had swimming lessons - involuntarily of course but they've now settled down to just watching them with us. The local Heron has been kept at bay by a fake Heron and other pottery-type birds on various tree stumps around the place.
Even after just 2 months the pond is very well established - moss and other fresh water plants gathered from around the local area has made a huge difference too - and we spend an hour each day just sat beside it watching the antics of the fish!!! It's incredibly therapeutic as well as relaxing. Once we have a decent layer of sh1t across the bottom of the pond we'll be scattering some decorative gravel around to lighten it up a little. Otherwise it's one of the most enjoyable projects we've undertaken.
Couple of low quality pics attached ( one with the liner fitted and part filled at the 'deep end' and one after completely filled) but I'll try to find the hi-res versions later.
Don't take it personally......