Nice tiling:

Lovely sink cabinet - build flush to the bath edge so the panel is pushed in!

And the other end has a lovely cut out for pipes:

Why tile all the way up when filling the last inch and a half with filler / adhesive will do:

This join is slap bang in the middle of a wall?? Can only guess he tiles from one side, then started from the other and hashed the join when the 2 sides met:

Nice clean hole for the overflow

This is not a dodgy camera angle - the window does really look like this!

Nice uphill waste - in amongst all the carp left behind

Water pipes for sink floating in mid air:

These are just a few of the stack of cock-ups - it's a proper mess.
Worst of all - it's my bloomin bathroom! Been promising the missus to sort it since we moved in, now I've got 1 week to rip the lot out and re-do it

Should be fun!