The gutter on the garage was leaking, so I thought I’d pop in some new gaskets to fix the problem, when I went to fit the new gaskets I realised that some plonker had cut the gutter short by an inch- on both pieces, so really it needed a new piece of guttering.
At the far side of the garage there is no gutter and so the water run off goes onto next door neighbours flat roof, so I’m putting up a new gutter on that side also. There is no drain for the water to run into at the moment- it simply runs into the garden, so I am fitting a water butt as well.
Measured up and checked the Tradepoint catalogue- all items were pick yourself. I picked up a trolley on the way in and picked up 5 lengths of square line guttering, by this time it was 20:00. Guess what! Yep, they had no running outlets, or gutter unions and were also missing a few other square line items

Drive home the 5 miles (wasted journey) and made a list from the Travis Perkins website as one of the guys in there said he would give me a good price. Went in and he was not there but this other guy said he could give me a good price, he worked everything out and was out of stock for a couple of items, so he calls Blackburn branch and they have the stuff in stock. He gives me an account number which I hand in at the Blackburn branch, the guy behind the counter grabs a carrier bag and starts filling it on the shop floor with square line guttering fittings, he then notices that some of the stuff I need is out of stock

Then I remembered Screwfix in Blackburn who had everything in stock
What is the point of stocking an item, if you are going to allow yourself to be out of stock on some items? It is not like you can use a round line gutter union if there are no square line unions