When is broadband not broadband? (regarding mobile phone)

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When is broadband not broadband? (regarding mobile phone)

Post by Someone-Else »

I have Samsung mobile. I have the "app" called WhatsApp (The app is very good) When I am out and about WhatsApp works fine, as soon as I come home my phone connects to my Wifi via "BTWifi-with-FON" if i use WhatsApp, it will not "send / receive" anything. However as soon as i change my Wifi connection to "someone-else" Wifi (which needs a password) WhatsApp works. my question is, why?

Email will work if either is connected, which to me makes it more confusing.
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When is broadband not broadband? (regarding mobile phone)

Post by getthewheelsinline »

Some wifi connections restrict access to various websites and apps. FON is probably just trying to limit data usage due to potentially large photos/videos being transmitted. BT should be able to confirm this is the case though.

Not sure if FON is a captive WIFI, but WhatsApp does not support proxy connections.
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Re: When is broadband not broadband? (regarding mobile phone

Post by Bob225 »

bt fon and wifi is basically a free wifi hotspot your supplying to anyone in range, the hotspot works the same as any public hotspot it requires you to login via a browser to gain access with your bt details

bt homehub's are set like this as default, simply login it to the HH/Router and disable it

http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/deta ... ith-fon%3F
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Re: When is broadband not broadband? (regarding mobile phone

Post by Someone-Else »

Interesting. Thanks
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Would you hit a nail with a shoe because you don't have a hammer? of course not, then why work on anything electrical without a means of testing Click Here to buy a "tester" just because it works, does NOT mean it is safe.

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Re: When is broadband not broadband? (regarding mobile phone

Post by Magic Matt »

You should be connecting to your hub using the connection settings on the label found on the router, not via FON. You have a username and password for FON supplied separately but you have to log in to this each time you want to use it.
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Re: When is broadband not broadband? (regarding mobile phone

Post by Someone-Else »

Magic Matt wrote: You have a username and password for FON supplied separately.
That is true
Magic Matt wrote: but you have to log in to this each time you want to use it.
No I don't. THAT, was the problem, my phone always wants to log into FON even though I did not tell it what the FON pass word is.
Above are my opinions Below is my signature.

Would you hit a nail with a shoe because you don't have a hammer? of course not, then why work on anything electrical without a means of testing Click Here to buy a "tester" just because it works, does NOT mean it is safe.

:mrgreen: If gloom had a voice, it would be me.

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